Guide from TRCY |
This area will
give you a catalog list for parts, suggest magazine and book titles to read that you
can even buy online now from our selection below. We also provide tutorials on common
aspects of robotics.
Please note: there are more tutorials at
Gary's Tech Corner.
Note to readers: If you would like to write
a tutorial on a topic not covered,
just e-mail it to me. |

The current tutorials are
"Robotics for Beginners" "A Simple Analog Robot"
"Printer port How to" "Artificial Intelligence" and
"Building an Underwater Robot" |
Recently completed is our
Electronic Basics Area. Get the basic info you need to get started making
electronics circuits! |
A .pdf document on common tools every robot builder should have.
Click here for a "Basic Soldering Guide"

the Bolo-Bot direction in .PDF format. (It's 200K in
size) This is a little robot I call
Bolo-Bot. It can run around a room and play
hide and go seek. It is quite simple, and I compare it to an analog or BEAM
style robot as it has no embedded micro-processor. Total cost should not exceed $20
U.S. funds.
Download "Adventures
in Robot Body Design", This is a 727K file in .PDF format. The article details
several different cheap robot body designs, with ideas for both small and large
robots. This article was last updated 9.4.00
How to Build a Robot Arm:
By: Justin R. Ratliff
You can make a robotic arm in an number of ways. It really depends
on the task of the robot that will determine what sort of arm design you want to use.
Blow is a picture of my robot arm and hand. The hand is a Terminator like
gripper toy. The fingers have independent movement (except for the last two finger
which are connected) and are controlled by standard servos. The elbow and
shoulder motors are 12 volt gear head motors. They were bought from the MECI catalog and were originally made to run power car
windows. More info on my design, constructions and controls of the arm and hand will
be coming soon. Until then, here is a picture. The hand has a great grip too!
It can even hold and squeeze the trigger of a laser tag gun. Is this the
beginning of the Terminator??
Catalog List for Electronics and Tools:
- All Electronics - # 1-800-826-5432
Excellent prices for electronic odds and ends
- American Science & Surplus - # 1-847-982-0874
Gadgets and odd junk
- B&G Micro - # 1-800-276-2206
Odd ball parts and chips, motors and batteries
- Dalco - # 1-800-455-5342
Custom Cables and connectors made to order, Computer Parts,
- Digi-Key - # 1-800-344-4539
Circuit parts, IC`s, Micro Switches, Micro Processors and
programmers, all the electronics parts you could ever want
- Hosfelt - # 1-800-524-6464
CCD Cameras, power supplies, parts
- Electronics Goldmine - # 1-602-451-7454
Odd ball electronics and parts
- Jameco - # 1-800-831-4242
Microprocessors, Basic Stamps, Ram chips, IC`s, parts, kits,
books, tools...
You name it, they have it !!
- Marlin P. Jones - # 1-800-652-6733
Motors, CCD cameras, relays, tools, kits, power supplies,
- MCM Electronics - # 1-800-543-4330
Tools, plugs, VCR parts
- Mendelson's, MECI - # 1-800-344-4465
Motors, surplus computer parts, cases, and junked goodies
- Ramsey Electronics
Video Cameras & Transmitters, Amateur Radio Gear, Hobby
- Tech America - # 1-800-422-7221
Large selection of electronic parts, tools, and kits, and
other goodies
Catalog List for Motors and Hardware:
- Allied Devices - # 1-516-223-9100
They sells tons of metal gears and different mechanical parts
- Herbach and Rademan - # 1-800-8484-8001
Motors, Batteries, CCD cameras, Odd ball Parts and power
- Small Parts - # 1-800-220-4242
Rod, bar, sheet, tube, screw, fasteners,
and all manner of small mechanical parts in a variety of metal and plastic materials.
- Surplus Center - # 1-800-488-3407
order toll free 24 hours
they have Hydraulics, DC and AC motors, Shop Motors, Stepper, Etc...
- Tower Hobbies
They carry servos and higher end remote controls. Also sell remote kits
like planes and even rockets I think.
- Balsa Products
They cary servos and remote controls. Fantastic deals on sub-micro servos and their
BP Standard 148 servo currently selling for $8 and comes with 6 servo horns and mounting
hardware. It's the best deal I have seen.
Lasers and Kits:
You may find some of these books at your local library or you
can order them now from us through 
"Robot Builders Bonanza: 99 Inexpensive Projects"
by Gordon Mccomb $15.16
- The best all around robot book. It has it all from sensor
circuits to computer interfacing. It's a must have, even with some minor errors. The
errors many people talk about in regard to this book are more of the type of wrong figures
listings than problems with schematics. |
"Robots, Androids, and Animatrons"
by John Iovine
After outlining how to modify base platforms for locomotion, the author provides detailed
information on various types of robotic sensors, including tilt, bump, and road and wall
detectors. He illustrates how to implement two different types of robotic
intelligence-expert and neural. The remainder of the book focuses on specific, hands-on
projects. |
"Stiquito: advanced Experiments With A Simple and
Inexpensive Robot" $35 by
Conrad and Mills Describes how to assemble and build Stiquito, a
small, inexpensive, six-legged robot...covers design, control, and research uses;
simulation of a robot guided by vision; and more...includes experiments and the robot kit |
Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implementation
Joseph L. Jones Anita M. Flynn Bruce A. Seiger $32The
authors' aim, put simply, is to teach the reader how to build a robot. This book now
puts it under one cover. With illuminating photographs, illustrations, and accessible
text, Mobile Robots guides the reader through the step-by-step process of constructing two
different, inexpensive, yet fully functional robots with a varying range of abilities. |
Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind
by, Hans Moravec
The most awesome work of controlled imagination I have ever encountered: Hans Moravec
stretched my mind until it hit the stops. Arthur C. Clarke
Blends hard scientific practicality with a prophet's far-seeing vision. His tomorrow is
both disturbing and ultimately thrilling. A world where machines are given souls by their
creations, and help us achieve unimaginable heights. David Brin |
Robotics: Introduction, Programming, and Projects
James L. Fuller $66.67
While the text is aimed at engineering and technology students, it can be understood by
all students. Part I introduces the field of robotics, applications, and artificial
intelligence. Part II investigates robot sensors, software, and hardware, as well as
speech output. Part III deals with simple robotics projects. published in 98 |
Controlling the World with Your PC, by Paul Bergsman Retail
Price: $35.00
Barns and Noble Price $28.00 You Save: $7.00 (20%)
In includes a disk with source code in Basic, C and ASM and gives schematics for
interfaces with a serial and printer port |
Artificial Life: An Overview
Christopher G. Langton (Editor)
This book brings together a series of overview articles that appeared in the first three
issues of the groundbreaking journal Artificial Life, along with a new introduction by
Christopher Langton, Editor-in-Chief of Artificial Life, founder of the discipline, and
Director of the Artificial Life Program at the Santa Fe Institute. |
The Philosophy of Artificial Life
Margaret A. Boden (Editor)
volume offers a selection of the most important philosophical work in the new and
fast-growing interdisciplinary area of artificial life; it will set the agenda for future
study and research. |
Wires Project Book: A Hands-on Guide to Amazing Robotic Muscles That Shorten
When Electrically Powered (Book and Kit)
Roger G. Gilbertson Miranda Celene De (Editor) Tom Twohy (Illustrator)
Barns and Noble Price: $17.95 |
New Book coming out by SRS alumni Karl Lunt entitled, How to Build Your
Own Robot due out Jan 15, 2000
Here are some more titles you may find at your local
library or order from another book store.
- "The Computer Speech Book" by Esther Schindler
- Includes disk and examples
- "Adventures in Artificial Life" by Walnum
- Includes disk with Programs
- "Build You Own Underwater Robot" by Bohm and Jensen
- About the best one for underwater robotics, you can get a taste for what
the book has from our tutorial section
- "Getting Started in Electronics" by Forrest M. Mims, III
- You can pick this up at Radio Shack
- "Fundamentals or Robot Technology" by DJ Todd Halsted
Press, ISBN: 0-470-20301-3
- A very good book to read if you are curious about
what's been done. It covers many good ideas and implementations. The book has lots of
pictures and overviews of robot technology. This book is a college textbook. This book
won't show you enough about any thing presented for you to build it. No practical advise.
- Nuts & Volts - # 1-800-783-4624
articles on robots and the Basic Stamps
- Robot, Science and Technology - #
1-888-510-7728 showcases robots and events
- Popular Electronics - #
1-800-827-0383 some circuits and articles on new gadgets
- Electronics Now - #
1-800-999-7139 some circuits and sometimes robot
related projects or gadgets