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UPDATE: To save space on our website and to save on load time our Member's Area will now present more text information on members rather than so many pictures.  This change is to make room for more technical documents in other areas of our website.  This will also allow members to find info on other members and projects in a quicker fashion.  Check our our Links Area for links to member created sites.

  • My name is Justin R. Ratliff and I am the current President of The Robotics Club, I'm also the website administrator so if you have a suggest for our website drop me a line. I'm from Ohio, in The United States of America!  I like to play the drums (I have a 5 piece Pearl set) and study military history. My member name is RoBoJRR and you can see my picture by clicking on my member name and reading my Yahoo Profile.  Also if you should be reading this and work for a place like D.A.R.P.A. or Sandia National Lab please share your wisdom on how you get a job like that!  My Current projects include working on my fighting robots, figuring out how to apply Kevin's A.I. Theory to my robot Wally and keeping this website updated.  I  also helped to create our TRaCY robot kit.  You can see some of my robots at our picture archive at our Yahoo club area.   Below is a picture of my robot lab.
  • lab_small.jpg (2531 bytes)  justin.jpg (19347 bytes)  TRaCY with Cam from side.jpg (31835 bytes)

    I'm also interested in cars.  I'm currently work on a Knight Rider conversion car.  If you would like to learn more about this please visit my personal website at:


    StriderandProbe.jpg (19438 bytes) Our new club co-founder is Michael Thompson  Michael is going to be helping out with out Yahoo are message boards.  Michael has done some fantastic work with his Probe robots.  Here is a link so you can see for your self.  I think Probe based robots are the way to go if you want to start on larger scale robots!
  • Fellow member RoBoJasonS or Jason is a good friend of mine and together we built the robot named The Ladies Man, which can be seen on the Robot Menu at the Arrick Robotics website. 
  • This is club member Dennis Clark with his horsy.  Pictured to the right is one of his creations named BugBot.  You can click on his or BugBot's picture to visit either site.  Dennis really knows his stuff! Dennis created the controller board for our TRaCY robot kit and also sells some fantastic chips and boards that he makes small runs of.  

    You can also see Dennis' new robot named GodZukis pictured to the lower right. 

    He makes Basic Stamp II all in one robot controlers, IR sensors, servo and PWM programmed PIC chips and lots more at great prices.  Check out his Bot Links to find out more.

    Dennis has also entered a fighter in the TRCY Robot Fights named Evil Empire.



  • Carlo Bertocchini, also know as Robotman420 on Yahoo is owner of Robot!  You can get all sorts of neat stuff from there.
  • Robot

  • hylander_ii's real name is Jon and he is working on an autonomouse underwater robot sub, which sounds like an awesome idea!  Check out Hylands Underwater Vehicles to find out more.
  •  gary.jpg (40270 bytes) This is a cartoonic picture of fellow member Gary Croll, better known as KE6GHS

    You can see some of Gary's robots from our club on Yahoo!  Just click on Photos.  Gary has added much to this club with his articles in Gary's Tech Corner and Motor Tech!  As you can see Gary has a great sense of humor!  =)

    Gary's son even joined TRCY and his member name is KE6LCO.

    Gary was also instrumental in the creation of our TRaCY robot kit!

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    This is fellow member Neil Chakrabarty, be sure to read his posting cause he has a computer engineering degree!  You can click on his picture to go to his website.  Don't miss seeing NeilChak's Neural Pages if you are at all interested in neural nets! Neil has done a great job on this site for TRCY so anyone can learn about neural nets! 

    This is fellow member Joe Partlow's robot Kronos (cool name!). You can click on his robot to go to Joe's Web Page.

    kronos04.jpg (25889 bytes)

    Joe might enter his robot ScrewBot in the TRCY Robot Fights.  But, if you ask me ScrewBot is starting to look too nice for that. 

    Below is a picture of Joe's ScrewBot.  It was given this name because Joe took two powered screwdrivers and used the motor and battery combo from them as the drive system.  ScrewBot's motors are controlled with Pulse Width Modulation or PWM.   This is common with regular servos motors, but often can be hard to duplicate.   PWM is very popular because it allows you very easily often with one control line from a micro to control speed and direction of a motor!  PWM in ScrewBot was made possible via a PIC programmed chip supplied by Dennis Clark.  To see more of ScrewBot or his motor control circuit, just click on his picture

    screwbot.jpg (29672 bytes)

  • Fellow member Darkwater_5's robotics current creation is named PAC RAT.  Be sure to visit his site!  He has great schematics for building your own line follower.  Darkwater made a club screen saver with some of our robots which you can download from TRCY's Software Area.  If you have a robot you want in the screensaver then be sure to e-mail DW as we call him.
  • Fellow member Joe Piche or Fast79ta joines TRCY from Canada and is working on a robot called BAR S2L or Bar Stool.  Joe has a great site which details the stuff in his robot.  Joe is making his robot as cheap as possible, but it working on some really awesome ideas.  One of the hacks on his website shows you how to hack a 660 Polaroir Sonar unit.  You can reach his site by clicking here.
  • Fellow member Bill Boucher has a fantastic website that has it all, even tells you what should go into your own "Frankenstein" type lab!  Be sure to check out his website!  And be sure to read his postings cause you can learn alot from Bill!  =)
  • Destroy804 (who does not wish to use his real name) joined the club with little knowledge of the real workings of a robot.  Since he joined he has come a long way in a short amount of time.  He has built his own TRaCY robot kit and is helping to expand the uses of TRaCY.  He prompted us as a club to enter the Trinity Contest, which we will in 2001.   He has learned a lot in a few short months since he joined TRCY.  I'm sure he will continue to be an active member of TRCY!
  • One heck of a cool robot is Bedlam the demining robot build in part by fellow member Michael Sergi, (A.K.A. Greyris) a student at CMU.  Bedlam uses what is called dual-differential steering. Click on Bedlam to find out more. Michael joined TRCY on 9.11.99 Bedlam the Demining robot
    This is fellow member Dave Everett's mowbot.  You can visit his site by clicking on his robot.  Dave is a member from Australia and keeps pretty busy.  He is working on a biped walking robot using servos.

    Dave also has an R2D2 robot builders club website at:

    mowbot.jpg (13411 bytes)
    Another unique robot created by fellow member ELReado who is 15.  His creation is called SloBot.   Click here to view more picture of is robots from our Yahoo Photos area.
  • Speaking of a walking robot, fellow member Liao Choon Way is modeling an anthropomorphic robot after himself.  He is using a mix of HS-805 and HS-815 Hitec hobby servos which are capable of producing 24kgcm of torque.  To find out more click on here to go to his website.
  • Fellow member Chris Williams, CLW7500 from North Carolina wants to start a group project to work on a robot that can be shipped form person to person as it is worked on.  To find out more e-mail him here.  Chris is also TRCY's acting Vice President. Chris Joined TRCY on 5.23.99
  • Fellow TRCY member Zjkern's real name is Jim Kern.  He comes from Florida states and is working on his first project and is new to electronics and is working out of the Robot Builders Bonanza book.  He is also studying electronics by correspondence and is the owner of a TRaCY kit.  Jim is looking for a copy of, "How To Build Your own Robot Pet."  If you have a copy you want to sell e-mail Jim at:  Jim Joined TRCY on 12.17.99
  • Fellow TRCY member Jcoats, or Jack Coats joined TRCY from Houston, TX.   He is an UNIX consultant and has a website at: and his e-mail is Jack joined TRCY on 1.30.00
  • Fellow member Ohyeahbaby_93060, who's real name is Rich, has made a robot named WozBot which uses an Apple II as it's controller.  The robot has voice recognition and can manipulate an arm.
  • TRCY member zaphod46, A.K.A Jeff, is a student at Caltech
  • Fellow member the_rabid_lemur_2, who's real name is John has a website at:
  • Fellow member Bill_the_Conquer or William is a younger member of TRCY who almost always comes to our weekly club meetings.  He has worked with Lego based robotics systems in the past and is planning on buying one of our TRaCY kits soon.  William's website is at:
  • TRCY member moonsun_il   or Maroof Rabba from Palestine wants to make robots reliable to explore under ground ruins.
  • Pictured Left is topazx2 with his robot G-5

    Below is Gobo built by kiryu69

    This is gschwanz GS-1 robot


    bluecube.jpg (20525 bytes) To the left is the New Cube, a robot created by fellow TRCY member Rudybrian.  Brian Rudy comes from San Jose, CA and is an engineer. He has an interest in wearable computers and Dilbert.  Brian has a fantastic website that explains Blue Cube and some of his other robotic creations. Brian joined TRCY on 1.8.00
    To the right is a robot created by TRCY member Barry_the_robot.  Chris Sherwood creator of Barry The Robot joined TRCY from Hagley, in the UK.  Chris is a teacher and is working on robots for a new UKL TV show.  You can find out more about his robots at his website at: Chris joined TRCY on 2.7.00 barry.jpg (23193 bytes)


    Hello, My name is Mr. Bean

    Our thanks go to Izzy on Yahoo! for thinking to start a robotics club!!  Izzy is the original club founder.