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grid.gif (14370 bytes) Welcome to TRCY's favorite movie robots.  On these pages you'll find some pictures of our favorite robots and the reasons we like them so much.

And here is Everyone's favorite robot...

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Johnny 5 is Alive !!
You can click on this picture to see an awesome Short Circuit website!


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Above is Maximillion from The Blackhole and Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still.

"It would be hard to imagine the impact that movie had on impressionable youth during the time when we lived daily with the [to us] all too real threat of being nuked." - Misha   "Klaatu. Berada Nikto!!!"

Below (pictured left to right) is old Bob, Maximillion, and Vincent from The Blackhole.

"Max has an intense and disturbing quality not often seen in robots." - NeilChak

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Would any one have guessed Eric Allard, the man behind Short Circuit, worked on the robots from The Blackhole?
Check out his company All Effects Company, Inc.

tobor(1).jpg (44832 bytes) To the left is a new favorite of mine... TOBOR the Great!




Below is a robot from the 1954 movie Target Earth.

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Terminator.jpg (10162 bytes) The Terminator Movies

You can click on the image above to go to a Terminator site; for info about the movies and a possible T3?

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This is Garth_Vapor's favorite: "Dalek from Dr. WHO, is different from most other generic evil T.V. robots...great voice for them too."

Who doesn't love Mystery Science Theater 3000
on the Sci-Fi Channel?

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To the left is a favorite creation of RoBoJasonS, Lisa from Weird Science.
No she's not a robot but you have to love a movie called "Weird Science"!

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Are you a member of TRCY?  Want to see your favorite robot here?   Drop me a line or send me a picture by clicking here.

If I am using a picture or text that you believe only you should have rights to, then e-mail me and I will rectify the problem.